
poster for event


Occurs on Sunday March 30 2025

Approximate running time: 2 hours


Troy Savings Bank Music Hall
30 Second Street
Troy NY 12180

Event Notes

× We encourage you to donate to the ACCESS ESYO ticket bank, contributing a "seat" for a future patron.

ACCESS ESYO allows you to purchase concert tickets for as little as $1 per seat, and is sustained through an ongoing "pay it forward" campaign that invites those who can, to contribute the "gift of music" to our online ACCESS ESYO ticket bank. ESYO has never turned away a qualified musician due to economic hardship and annually awards $30,000 in scholarships and tuition assistance. Now, we are taking steps to ensure that we never turn away an enthusiastic audience member for the same reason.

Please take advantage of ACCESS ESYO to bring your entire family by purchasing as many tickets as you need at the price point of your choice, available by calling the Box Office at 518-273-0038 or visiting during business hours and providing the ACCESS ESYO code. Please note that the code is NOT able to be used online for this performance, only for phone and in-person sales.

To obtain the code needed to purchase ACCESS ESYO tickets, please email Mary Rose Petrozola at

Suggested Ticket Price: $25.00 per seat.

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